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Learn more about Professor Bertsimas' current and past students.
Holly Wiberg
April 23, 2022
Warm congratulations to my doctoral student Holly Wiberg who successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations Holly!
Zhen Lin
Expected completion
Angelos Koulouras
Expected completion
Baptiste Rossi
Expected completion
Elijah Pivo
Expected completion
Thodoris Koukouvinos
Expected completion
Yu Ma
Expected completion
Alex Paskov
Expected completion
Benjamin Boucher
Expected completion
George Margaritis
Expected completion
Pericles Petrides
Expected completion
Cindy Wang
Expected completion
Jiayi Gu
Expected completion
Lisa Everest
Expected completion
Matthew Peroni
Expected completion
Maura Suzanne Hegarty
Expected completion
Vassilina Stoumpou
Expected completion
Catherine Ning
Expected completion
Karl Zhu
Expected completion
Yubing Cui
Expected completion
Carol Gao
Expected completion
Dewang Kumar Agarwal
Expected completion
Romain Puech
Expected completion
Graduated PhD
Adam Cheol Woo Kim
Predictive and Prescriptive Trees for Optimization and Control Problems, 2024
Cynthia Zeng
Multimodal Machine Learning for Climate Adaptation, 2024
Kimberly Villalobos Carballo
Integrating Optimization and Modern Machine Learning: Theory, Computation, and Healthcare Applications, 2024
Nicholas Johnson
Advances in Sparse and Low Rank Matrix Optimization for Machine Learning Applications, 2024
Suleeporn Sujichantararat
A Simulated Annealing Approach to Designing Optimal Decision Trees for Classification, Prescriptive, and Survival Analysis, 2023
Wes Gurnee
Towards an Artificial Neuroscience: Analytics for Language Model Interpretability, 2024
Leonard Boussioux
Multimodality: Models, Algorithms, and Applications, 2023
Liangyuan Na
Optimal Decision Making for Healthcare Operations: Models and Implementation, 2023
Vassilis Digalakis
Analytics under Variability, Volume, and Velocity with Applications to Sustainability and Healthcare, 2023
Berk Ozturk
Global and Robust Optimization for Engineering Design, 2022
Driss Lahlou Kitane
Sparsity and Machine Learning, Theory and Applications, 2022
Holly Wiberg
Data-driven Healthcare via Constraint Learning and Analytics, 2022
Ivan Paskov
Stable Machine Learning, 2022
Michael Li
Algorithms for Large-scale Data Analytics and Applications to the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2022 (Finalist Edelman competition, 2022)
Ryan Cory-Wright
Integer and Matrix Optimization: A Nonlinear Approach, 2022 (1st Prize in Nicholson competition of INFORMS, 2020, best paper award among ORC students in 2020, 1st prize in student paper for INFORMS Computer Science Section, 2019
Ted Papalexopoulos
Multi-Objective Optimization for Public Policy, 2022
Agni Orfanoudaki
Novel Machine Learning Algorithms for Personalized Medicine and Insurance, 2021
Arthur Delarue
Optimizing School Operations, 2021 (best paper award among ORC students in 2018)
Hari Bandi
Improving Efficiency and Fairness in Machine Learning: a Discrete Optimization Approach, 2021
Matthew Sobiesk
Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications in Health Care, 2021
Nihal Koduri
Essays on Decision Making Under Uncertainty, 2021
Brad Sturt
Dynamic Optimization in the Age of Big Data, 2020 (2nd prize in Nicholson competition of INFORMS, 2017, best paper award among ORC students in 2019)
Jean Pauphilet
Algorithmic advancements in discrete optimization Applications to machine learning and healthcare operations, 2020 (1st Prize in Nicholson competition of INFORMS, 2020, best paper award among ORC students in 2020, 1st prize in student paper for INFORMS Computer Science Section, 2019, Honorable mention George Dantzig dissertation award 2020)
Julia Yan
From Data to Decisions in Urban Transit and Logistics, 2020
Yuchen Wang
Interpretable Machine Learning Methods with Applications to Health Care, 2020
Chris McCord
Data-Driven Dynamic Optimization with Auxiliary Covariates, 2019
Colin Pawlowski
Machine Learning for Problems with Missing and Uncertain Data with Applications to Personalized Medicine, 2019
Nishanth Mundru
Predictive and Prescriptive Methods in Operations Research and Machine Learning: An Optimization Approach, 2019
Sebastien Martin
The Edge of Large-Scale Optimization in Transportation and Machine Learning, 2019 (best paper award among ORC students in 2018, George Dantzig dissertation award 2019, Transportation Thesis Prize, 2019)
Yee Sian Ng
Advances in Data-Driven Models for Transportation, 2019
Daisy Ying Zhuo
New Algorithms in Machine Learning with Applications in Personalized Medicine, 2018
Frans de Ruiter
Primal and dual approaches to adjustable robust optimization, 2018 (1st prize in Optimization for 2017 best student paper)
Jack Dunn
Optimal Trees for Prediction and Prescription, 2018 (best paper award among ORC students in 2016)
Joel Tay
Integrated Robust and Adaptive Methods in the Heating Oil Industry, 2018
Martin Copenhaver
Sparsity and robustness in modern statistical estimation, 2018 (best paper award among ORC students in 2015)
Alex Weinstein
From Data to Decisions in Healthcare: An Optimization Perspective, 2017
Jerry Kung
An Analytics Approach to Problems in Health Care, 2017
Nikita Korolko
A Robust Optimization Approach to Online Problems, 2017
Iain Dunning
Advances in Robust and Adaptive Optimization: Algorithms, Software, and Insights, 2016 (best paper award among ORC students in 2016)
Velibor Misic
Data, Models and Decisions in Large-Scale Stochastic Optimization Problems, 2016
Angie King
Regression under a modern optimization lens, 2015
John Silberholz
Analytics for Improved Cancer Screening and Treatment, (winner of the William Pierskalla award in 2013 for best paper in Health care), 2015
Nataly Youssef
Stochastic Analysis via Robust Optimization, (best paper award among ORC students in 2012, finalist in the Nicholson competition in 2012), 2015
Nathan Kallus
From data to decisions through new interfaces between optimization and statistics (best paper award among ORC students in 2013, finalist in the Nicholson competition in 2013), 2015
Vishal Gupta
Data-driven models for uncertainty and behavior (best paper award among ORC students in 2013, finalist in the Nicholson competition in 2013), 2014
Allison O'Hair
Personalized diabetes management, 2013 (winner of the William Pierskalla award in 2013 for best paper in Health care)
Chaithanya Bandi
Tractable stochastic analysis in high dimensions: a robust optimization approach, 2013 (best paper award among ORC students in 2012, finalist in the Nicholson competition in 2012)
Matthew Fontana
Optimal routes for electric vehicles facing uncertainty, congestion and energy constraints, 2013
Allison Chang
Integer optimization methods for machine learning, 2012
Michael Frankovich
Air traffic flow management at airports: A unified optimization approach, 2012
Shubham Gupta
A tractable optimization framework for air traffic flow management addressing fairness, collaboration and stochasticity. 2012
Adrian Becker
Decomposition methods for large scale stochastic and robust optimization problems, 2011
Alex Rikun
Applications of robust optimization to queueing and inventory systems, 2011
Nikolaos Trichakis
Fairness in operations: from theory to practice, 2011 (winner of the second prize of George Dantzig Best thesis award, 2011)
Xu Sun
Advances in power systems: robustness, adaptability and fairness, 2011
Dan Iancu
Multi-stage adjustable robust optimization, with applications in inventory and revenue management, 2010 ( rst prize in student paper competition in Optimization Section of INFORMS, 2009)
Apostolos Fertis
A robust optimization approach to statistical estimation problems, 2009
Xuan Vinh Doan
Optimization under moment, robust, and data-driven models of uncertainty, 2009
David Czerwinski
Assessing quality of health care, 2008
Dmitriy Katz-Rogozhnikov
Algorithmic issues in queueing systems and combinatorial counting problems, 2008
Margret Bjarnadottir
A data driven approach to health care: applications using claims data, 2008
Premal Shah
Analysis of employee stock options and guaranteed withdrawal benefits for life, 2008 ( rst prize in student paper competition in Financial Services Section of INFORMS, 2007)
Kwong Meng Teo
Nonconvex robust optimization, 2007
Constantine Caramanis
Adaptive optimization, 2006
David Brown
Risk and robust optimization, 2006 (2nd prize in Nicholson competition of INFORMS, 2005)
Michele Aghassi
Robust Optimization, game theory and variational inequalities, 2005
Aurelie Thiele
A robust optimization approach to supply chains and revenue management, (first prize in Nicholson competition of INFORMS, 2003), 2004
Karthik Natarajan
Probabilistic Combinatorial Optimization: Moments, Semide nite Programming and Asymptotic Bounds, (Honorable mention in Nicholson competition of INFORMS, 2003), Singapore-MIT-Alliance, 2004
Melvyn Sim
Robust optimization, 2004 (2nd prize in Nicholson competition of INFORMS, 2002 and 2nd prize in Nicholson competition of INFORMS, 2004), 2004
Adam Mersereau
Adaptive and dynamic models in marketing, 2003
Jeff Hawkins
A Lagrangean decomposition method for dynamic optimization and its applications, 2003
Natasha Busheva
Finance without price dynamics, 2003
Romy Shioda
An Integer programming approach to data mining, 2003
Sanne de Boer
Pricing and revenue management in a network environment, 2003 (2nd prize in Nicholson competition of INFORMS, 2003)
Dessi Pachamanova
A robust optimization approach to nance, 2002
Ramazan Demir
Approximate dynamic programming for integer programming problems, 2000
Jay Sethuraman
A stochastic control approach for multiclass queueing networks, 1999 (honorable mention in Nicholson competition of INFORMS, 2000)
Leon Hsu
The bottleneck phenomenon in transportation systems, 1999
Ioana Popescu
Applications of optimization in probability, nance and revenue management, 1999, (honorable mention in Nicholson competition of INFORMS, 1999)
Thalia Chryssikou
Multiperiod portfolio optimization in the presence of transaction costs, 1998
David Gamarnik
Stability and performance of multiclass queueing networks, 1997
Sarah Stock
Stochastic and dynamic models for air traffic flow management, 1997 (1st prize in Transportation Dissertation of INFORMS, 1997, 2nd prize in Dantzig award, 1997)
Chung Piaw Teo
Constructing approximation algorithms via linear programming relaxations: primal dual and randomized rounding techniques, 1996 (honorable mention in Nicholson competition of INFORMS, 1996)
Ioannis Paschalidis
Large deviations in high speed communication networks, 1996 (2nd prize in Nicholson competition of INFORMS, 1997)
Andrew Luo
Continuous linear programming: Theory, algorithms and applications, 1995
Gina Mourtzinou
An axiomatic approach to queueing systems, 1995 (2nd prize in Nicholson competition of INFORMS, 1996)
Joe Millner
A market approach to air traffic control, 1995
Jose Nino-Mora
Optimal resource allocation in a dynamic and stochastic environment: a mathematical programming approach, 1995
Michael Ricard
Optimization of queueing networks: a linear control approach, 1995
Haiping Xu
Optimal policies for stochastic and dynamic vehicle routing problems, 1994
Zhihang Chi
Dynamic and network e ects in airline yield management, 1994
Carolyn Haibt-Norton
Topics in discrete optimization, 1993
Michael Peterson
Transient congestion phenomena in air transportation, 1992
Peter Vranas
Ground holding strategies for a network of airports in air tra c control, 1992 (2nd prize in Transportation dissertation competition, 1992)
Garrett van Ryzin
Dynamic vehicle routing problems, 1991 (2nd prize in Transportation dissertation competition of INFORMS, 1992, honorable mention in Nicholson competition of INFORMS, 1991)
Daisuke Nakazato
Transient distributional results in queues with applications to queueing networks, 1990
Michel Goemans
Probabilistic and worst case analysis of LP relaxations for a class of connectivity problems, 1990 (Tucker prize of Mathematical Programming Society, 1991, 2nd prize in Nicholson competition of INFORMS, 1991)
Graduated Postdoctoral
Michael Li
Bartolomeo Stellato
Bart Van Parys
Shimrit Shtern
John Silberholrz
Nathan Kallus
Hoda Bidkhori
Phebe Vayanos
Angelos Georghiou
Ebrahim Nasrabadi
Rahul Mazumder
Christopher Maes
Vineet Goyal
Omid Nohadani
Eugene Perevalov
Graduated Masters
Galit Lukin
Prescriptive Methods for Adaptive Learning, 2020
Justin Graham
School Choice: A Discrete Optimization Approach, 2020
Samer Haidar
Supply chain network strategy for consumer medical device introduction, 2016
Zachary Sanders
Multi-target tracking via mixed integer optimization, 2016
Kevin Rossillion
Optimized Air Asset Scheduling Within a Joint Air Operations Center, 2015
Christina Epstein
An Analytics Approach to Hypertension Treatment, 2014
Jonathan Paynter
Optimized Border Interdiction, 2014
Nicholas Jernigan
Robust Multi-modal, Multi-period, Multi-commodity Transportation: Models and Algorithms, 2014
David Culver
Addressing the Fog of War in Reconnaissance Operations: A Robust Optimization Approach, 2013
Emily Frost
Dynamic planning for underwater unmanned vehicles, 2013
Stephen Relyea
An Analytics Approach to Designing Clinical Trials for Cancer”, 2013 (winner of the William Pierskalla award in 2013 for best paper in Health care)
Jingting Zhou
Computational experiments for local search algorithms for binary and mixed integer optimization, 2010
Kimberly Shenk
Patterns of heart attacks, 2010
Liwei He
Polynomial policies in supply chain networks, 2010
Thai Dung Nguyen
Application of robust and inverse optimization in transportation, 2010
Van Vinh Nguyen
Fairness and optimality in trading, 2010
Si Chen
Robust option pricing - an epsilon arbitrage approach, 2009
Clay Noyes
Optimizing the operations of the emergency department at the Beth Israel Hospital via simulation, 2008
Yanbo Wang
Robust optimization applications, 2008
Yun Lu
A robust optimization approach to network equilibrium, 2007
Premal Shah
Optimal bounds for American options, 2006
Su Hua
A robust optimization approach to optimization of queueing networks, 2006
Cheong Foong Soon
Hedging Strategy and Effect of Transaction Costs for American Options in an Incomplete Market, Singapore-MIT-Alliance, 2002
Constantine Caramanis
Bounds on linear partial differential equations via semidefinite optimization, 2001
Zhang Yi
A discrete optimization approach to classification, Singapore-MIT-Alliance, 2001
Mark Coumeri
Pricing in a competitive environment: a learning approach, 2000
Constantine Tsiligakis
Portfolio construction through mixed integer programming, 1999
Ed Wike
Supply chain management: an approximate dynamic programming approach, 1998
Elaine Chew
Multiperiod portfolio optimization: Feynmann diagrams and approximate dynamic programming, 1998
Angela Chiu
Stochastic inventory and distribution problems, 1993
Ioannis Paschalidis
Bounds for multiclass queueing networks, 1992
Meng-Huai Chen
Optimal cash allocation in bank branches, 1991
Michael Ricard
Algorithms for the 0-1 integer programming problem, 1991
Phillip Chervi
A computational approach to probabilistic routing problems, 1989